Refereed Publications Please find my peer reviewed publications below. A bibliographic analysis shows 321 citations on 77 indexed papers (17.8 cites/year, 4.2 cites/paper), resulting in citation indices: h-index:10, g-index:15, hc-index:10, hI-index:3.8, hI-norm:7, AWCR:54.8, AW-index:7.4, AWCRpA:25.9, e-index:9.6 (from Harzing's software "publish or perish", 11/2011) Books  | S. Crone (2010) Neuronale Netze zur Prognose und Disposition im Handel, PhD thesis (in German), Gabler: Frankfurt a.M., 488 p., ISBN 978-3834911742 - 2008 University award “Prof. Herbert Jacob Preis” for the best biannual PhD thesis in Management
- 2009 national annual award of the German Operational Research Society for the best national PhD thesis in Operational Research & Management
See page examples on [Google books] |  |
Academic Journals 1. | S. Crone, K. Nikolopoulos, M. Hibon (2009) New evidence on the accuracy of computational intelligence for monthly time series prediction - Results of the NN3 Forecasting Competition, International Journal of Forecasting, IJF Volume 27, Issue 3, July-September 2011, pp. 635-660 |  | 2. | S. Finlay, S. Crone (2009) Instance sampling in credit scoring: an analysis of sample size and sample distribution for predicting consumer repayment behaviour. International Journal of Forecasting, IJF (forthcoming) |  | 3. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2009) Feature selection for time series prediction – A combined filter and wrapper approach for neural networks, Neurocomputing, Vol. 73, No. 10-12, pp. 1923-1936 |  | 4. | S. Crone (2009) Mining the Past to Forecast the Future: Comments, International Journal of Forecasting, IJF, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp.441-451 |  | 5. | R. Stahlbock, S. Lessmann, S. Crone (2009) Data Mining and Information Systems – Quo Vadis?, Annals of Information Systems, Special issue on Data Mining, Vol. 8, 2010, XIII, p.1-18 |  | 6. | R. Fildes, K. Nikolopoulos, S. Crone, A. Sythetos (2008) Forecasting and Operational Research: A Review, Journal of the Operations Research Society, JORS, Vol. 59, No. 9, pp. 59, 1150 - 1172 |  | 7. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) The Impact of Preprocessing on Data Mining: An Evaluation of Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 173, No.3, pp. 781-800 (official download link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2005.07.023) |  | 8. | S. Crone (2005) Stepwise Selection of Artificial Neural Network Models for Time Series Prediction, Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2-3, 2005, pp. 99-122 |  |
Practitioner Journals Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed) 1. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2010) Naive Support Vector Regression and Multilayer Perceptron Benchmarks for the 2010 Neural Network Grand Competition (NNGC) on Time Series Prediction, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’10, Barcelona, IEEE: New York, (in press) |  | 2. | D. Barrow, S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2010) An Evaluation of Neural Network Ensembles and Model Selection for Time Series Prediction, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’10, Barcelona, IEEE: New York, (in press) |  | 3. | N. Kourentzes, S. Crone (2010) Frequency independent automatic input variable selection for neural networks for forecasting, Barcelona, IEEE: New York, (in press) |  | 4. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2010) Naive Support Vector Regression and Multilayer Perceptron Benchmarks for the 2010 Neural Network Grand Competition (NNGC) on Time Series Prediction, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’10, Barcelona, IEEE: New York, (in press) |  | 5. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2009) Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with Multilayer Perceptrons – an empirical Evaluation of Input Vector Specifications for deterministic Seasonality, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’09, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA , pp. 232-238 |  | 6. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2009) Input-variable Specification for Neural Networks - an Analysis of Forecasting low and high Time Series Frequency, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’09, Atlanta, USA, IEEE: New York, pp. 3221-3228 |  | 7. | N. Kourentzes, S. Crone (2008) Automatic modelling of neural networks for time series prediction – in search of a uniform methodology across varying time frequencies, Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, ESTSP’08, Helsinki, Finland |  | 8. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2008) Forecasting high-frequency time series with Neural Networks - an analysis of modelling challenges from increasing data frequency, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’08, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA, pp.37-42 |  | 9. | S. Crone, R. Dahwan (2007) Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with Neural Networks: A Sensitivity Analysis of Architecture Parameters, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, Orlando, USA, IEEE: New York, in press * |  | 10. | S. Crone, S. Pietsch (2007) A Naďve Support Vector Regression Benchmark for the NN3 Forecasting Competition, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, Orlando, USA, IEEE: New York, in press * |  | 11. | S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2007) Input variable selection for time series prediction with neural networks – an evaluation of visual, autocorrelation and spectral analysis for varying seasonality, Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, ESTSP’07, Helsinki, Finland |  | 12. | S. Crone, J. Guajardo, R. Weber (2006) A study on the ability of Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks to Forecast Basic Time Series Patterns, Artificial Intelligence In Theory And Practice, Proceedings of the IFIP World Congress in Computation, WCC’06, Santiago, Chile, Vol. 217, Springer: New York, pp.149-158 * (official download link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-34747-9_16) |  | 13. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, S. Pietsch (2006) Forecasting with Computational Intelligence - An Evaluation of Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York * |  | 14. | S. Lessmann, S. Crone, R. Stahlbock, N. Zacher (2006) An Evaluation of Discrete Support Vector Machines for Cost-Sensitive Learning, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York * |  | 15. | S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2006) Genetic Algorithms for Support Vector Machine Model Selection, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York * |  | 16. | S. Crone, J. Guajardo, R. Weber (2006) The Impact of Preprocessing on Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA, pp.37-42 * |  | 17. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, S. Pietsch (2006) Parameter Sensitivity of Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks for Forecasting, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA, pp. 396-402 * |  | 18. | S. Crone, D. Preßmar (2006) An extended Evaluation Framework for Neural Network Publications in Sales Forecasting, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA’06, Innsbruck, ACTA Press: Calgary, pp. 179-186* |  | 19. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Utility Based Data Mining for Time Series Analysis - Cost sensitive learning for Neural Network Predictors, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Utility-based Data Mining, ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data, KDD'05, Chicago, pp. 59-68 * |  | 20. | R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification for the Evaluation of Retail Stores and Decision Support, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’05, Montreal, Canada, IEEE: New York, Vol. 3 , pp. 1499- 1504 * |  | 21. | S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2005) Genetically constructed kernels for support vector machines, Proceedings of the Conference of the German Operations Research Association, GOR'2005, Bremen |  | 22. | S. Crone, D. Soopramanien (2005) Predicting Customer Online Shopping Adoption for Market Modelling using Artificial Neural Networks, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, pp. 47- 58 * |  | 23. | S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2005) Optimizing Hyperparameters of Support Vector Machines by Genetic Algorithms, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol. 1, pp. 74-80 * |  | 24. | R. Stahlbock, S. Lessmann, S. Crone (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification Approaches for Strategic and Operational Decision Support in Retail Store Planning in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol. I, pp. 60-66 * |  | 25. | S. Crone, H. Kausch, D. Preßmar (2004) Prediction of the CATS benchmark using a Business Forecasting Approach to Multilayer Perceptron Modelling, in: D. Wunsch et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE: New York, Vol. 4, pp. 2783-2788 * |  | 26. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2004) Empirical Comparison and Evaluation of classifier Performance for data mining in Customer Relationship Management, in: D. Wunsch et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE: New York, Vol. 1, pp. 443-448* |  | 27. | S. Crone (2004) A Business Forecasting Competition Approach to Modelling Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y.Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol.1, pp. 207-213 * |  | 28. | S. Crone, P. Grafeille (2004) An Evaluation Framework for Publications on Artificial Neural Networks in Sales Forecasting, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol.1, pp. 221-227 * |  | 29. | S. Crone (2003) Prediction of White Noise Time Series using Artificial Neural Networks and Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: D. Wunsch, M. Hasselmo, K. Venayagamoorthy, D. Wang (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’03, Portland, July 20-24 2003, IEEE: New York, Vol. 4, pp.2460-2465 * |  | 30. | S. Crone (2003) Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction - a novel Approach to Inventory Management using Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’03, Las Vegas, June 23-26 2003, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol 1, pp. 193-199 * |  | 31. | S. Crone (2002) Training Artificial Neural Networks using Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: L. Wang; J.C. Rajapakse, K. Fukushima, S.-Y. Lee, X. Yao (eds.): Computational Intelligence for the E-Age, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP’02 2002, Singapore, IEEE: New York, Vol.5, pp.2374-2380 * |  |
Book Chapters 1. | S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Support Vector Machines versus Artificial Neural Networks - new potential in Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management?, in: D. Wang (ed.): Neural Network Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, Sarawak, Malaysia |  | 2. | S. Crone (2003) Forecasting in Inventory Management using Artificial Neural Networks – a novel approach through Asymmetric Cost Func-tions, in: J. Geldermann, H. Rommelfanger (eds.): Einsatz von Fuzzy Sets, Neuronalen Netzen und Künstlicher Intelligenz in industrieller Produktion und Umweltforschung, 2003, VDI: Düsseldorf |  |
Editorships 1. | Co-Editor of a special journal issue on "Forecasting with Neural Networks”, International Journal of Forecasting (IJF), Elsevier, forthcoming 2008 |  | 2. | Co-Editor with R. Stahlbock, S. Crone, S. Lessmann, Stefan (Eds.) Special Issue on "Data Mining" in Annals of Information Systems, Vol. 8, 2010, XIII, 387 p., ISBN: 978-1-4419-1279-4 |  | 3. | Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, CRSEA Press, forthcoming 2010 |  | 4. | Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, CRSEA Press, 2009 |  | 5. | Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, CRSEA Press, 2008 |  | 6. | Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, CRSEA Press, forthcoming 2007 |  | 7. | Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, CRSEA Press (available online at: http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/worldcomp06/ws/publications/dmin06/index_html) |  | 8. | Associate editor of the Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’05, CSREA Press |  | 9. | Associate editor of the Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, CSREA Press |  |
Other Media 1. | S. Crone: Definition of “Data Mining” for the website “Principles of Forecasting”, S. Armstrong (available online at: www.forecastingprinciples.com) | - | 2. | S. Crone: Definition of “Neural Networks” for the website “Principles of Forecasting”, S. Armstrong (available online at: www.forecastingprinciples.com) | - |
Working Papers | S. Crone, R. Hyndman, K. Smith, C. Wang (2007) Characteristics Based Data Mining on the NN3 Data – an exploration of time series characteristics, submission IJF, under preparation | | | S. Crone: Neural Networks for simultaneous Forecasting and Stock Control – a connectionist approach to quantile regression, journal publication from PhD research, submission targeted at EJOR | | | S Crone with F. Collopy, L. Zhao: On the Replicability of Management Science Publications - An attempt to replicate the Hill, O’Conner and Remus experiments in neural networks for forecasting, submission targeted at International Journal of Forecasting. | | | S. Crone with D. Soopramanien: Data Mining versus Market Modelling - An evaluation of the impact of Preprocessing on Logistic Regression and Neural Networks in Predicting Customer Online Shopping Adoption, submission targeted at Decision Support Systems | | | S. Crone: A new Perspective on Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with artificial Neural Networks, submission targeted at EJOR | |
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