Please find my complete academic CV below. For a short non-academic biography tailored to forecasting practitioners please click on [Short BIO] . Curriculum Vitae Profile
Academic Positions
07/2006-present Lecturer (Assistant Prof.), Lancaster University, UK
07/2004-06/2006 Research Associate, Lancaster University, UK
10/2002-06/2004 Research & Teaching Assistant, University of Hamburg, GER
09/2003-11/2003 Visiting Research Fellow, University of Stellenbosch, RSA
04/2003-09/2003 Visiting Research Scholar, George Mason University, USA
01/2001-10/2002 Research & Teaching Assistant, University of Hamburg,
01/2000-12/2000 Undergraduate Lecturer, University of Hamburg, Germany
10/1994-04/1996 Tutor, University of Hamburg, Germany
Education 2001 - present PhD in Business Administration & Information Systems Research: Neural Networks for simultaneous Forecasting and
1994 - 1998 Postgraduate Studies in Business Administration & Economics
1991 - 1994 Undergraduate Studies in Business Administration & Economics
09/1998-10/1998 Pre-sessional Course, London School of Economics, UK Degree: Certificate in academic English
1977 - 1991 Grammar School, Gymnasium Marienthal, Hamburg Grade: 1,5 (within top 5 %)
1987 - 1988 High School, Poway High School, San Diego, USA
Society MembershipsIIF International Institute of Forecasters IBF Institute of Business Forecasting IEEE-CIS Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Computational Intelligence Society INNS International Neural Network Society ACM-SIG-KDD Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Databases UK-KDD UK Artificial Intelligence Association, Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Databases ORS Operational Research Society UK GOR German Operations Research Society ORSSA Operations Research Society of South Africa GI-IS German Informatics Society, Information Systems Group IASTED International Association of Science and Technology for Development
Refereed Publications (ō ISI indexed)
Journals 2007 R. Fildes, S. Crone, K. Nikolopoulos, A. Sythetos Forecasting and Operational Research: A Review, invited paper to the Journal of the Operations Research Society, JORS, (under review) 2006 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2006) The Impact of Preprocessing on Data Mining: An Evaluation of Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 173, No.3, pp. 781-800ō 06/2005 S. Crone (2005) Stepwise Selection of Artificial Neural Network Models for Time Series Prediction, Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 14, No. 2-3, 2005, pp. 99-122 05/2003 S. Crone (2003) Künstliche neuronale Netze zur betrieblichen Entscheidungsunterstützung, WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2003, pp. 452-458
Refereed Conference Proceedings 07/2007 S. Crone, R. Dahwan (2007) Forecasting Seasonal Time Series with Neural Networks: A Sensitivity Analysis of Architecture Parameters, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, Orlando, USA, IEEE: New York, in press ō 07/2007 S. Crone, S. Pietsch (2007) A Naļve Support Vector Regression Benchmark for the NN3 Forecasting Competition, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, Orlando, USA, IEEE: New York, in press ō 02/2007 S. Crone, N. Kourentzes (2007) Input variable selection for time series prediction with neural networks – an evaluation of visual, autocorrelation and spectral analysis for varying seasonality, Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, ESTSP’07, Helsinki, Finland 08/2006 S. Crone, J. Guajardo, R. Weber (2006) A study on the ability of Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks to Forecast Basic Time Series Patterns, Artificial Intelligence In Theory And Practice, Proceedings of the IFIP World Congress in Computation, WCC’06, Santiago, Chile, Vol. 217, Springer: New York, pp.149-158 ō 07/2006 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, S. Pietsch (2006) Forecasting with Computational Intelligence - An Evaluation of Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York ō 07/2006 S. Lessmann, S. Crone, R. Stahlbock, N. Zacher (2006) An Evaluation of Discrete Support Vector Machines for Cost-Sensitive Learning, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York ō 07/2006 S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2006) Genetic Algorithms for Support Vector Machine Model Selection, Proceedings of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada, IEEE: New York ō 06/2006 S. Crone, J. Guajardo, R. Weber (2006) The Impact of Preprocessing on Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA, pp.37-42 ō 06/2006 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, S. Pietsch (2006) Parameter Sensitivity of Support Vector Regression and Neural Networks for Forecasting, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA, pp. 396-402 ō 02/2006 S. Crone, D. Preßmar (2006) An extended Evaluation Framework for Neural Network Publications in Sales Forecasting, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA’06, Innsbruck, ACTA Press: Calgary, pp. 179-186 ō 08/2005 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Utility Based Data Mining for Time Series Analysis - Cost sensitive learning for Neural Network Predictors, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Utility-based Data Mining, ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data, KDD'05, Chicago, pp. 59-68 07/2005 R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification for the Evaluation of Retail Stores and Decision Support, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’05, Montreal, Canada, IEEE: New York, Vol. 3 , pp. 1499- 1504 ō 06/2005 S. Crone, D. Soopramanien (2005) Predicting Customer Online Shopping Adoption for Market Modelling using Artificial Neural Networks, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, pp. 47- 58[SFC3] ō 06/2005 S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock, S. Crone (2005) Optimizing Hyperparameters of Support Vector Machines by Genetic Algorithms, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol. 1, pp. 74-80 ō 06/2005 R. Stahlbock, S. Lessmann, S. Crone (2005) Evolutionary Neural Classification Approaches for Strategic and Operational Decision Support in Retail Store Planning in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI’05, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol. I, pp. 60-66 ō 07/2004 S. Crone, H. Kausch, D. Preßmar (2004) Prediction of the CATS benchmark using a Business Forecasting Approach to Multilayer Perceptron Modelling, in: D. Wunsch et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE: New York, Vol. 4, pp. 2783-2788 ō 07/2004 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2004) Empirical Comparison and Evaluation of classifier Performance for data mining in Customer Relationship Management, in: D. Wunsch et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’04, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE: New York, Vol. 1, pp. 443-448 ō 06/2004 S. Crone (2004) A Business Forecasting Competition Approach to Modelling Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y.Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol.1, pp. 207-213 ō 06/2004 S. Crone, P. Grafeille (2004) An Evaluation Framework for Publications on Artificial Neural Networks in Sales Forecasting, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, Las Vegas, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol.1, pp. 221-227 ō 07/2003 S. Crone (2003) Prediction of White Noise Time Series using Artificial Neural Networks and Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: D. Wunsch, M. Hasselmo, K. Venayagamoorthy, D. Wang (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’03, Portland, July 20-24 2003, IEEE: New York, Vol. 4, pp.2460-2465 ō 06/2003 S. Crone (2002) Artificial Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction - a novel Approach to Inventory Management using Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: H. Arabnia; R. Joshua; Y. Mun (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’03, Las Vegas, June 23-26 2003, CSREA Press: Athens, Vol 1, pp. 193-199 ō 11/2002 S. Crone (2002) Training Artificial Neural Networks using Asymmetric Cost Functions, in: L. Wang; J.C. Rajapakse, K. Fukushima, S.-Y. Lee, X. Yao (eds.): Computational Intelligence for the E-Age, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP’02 2002, Singapore, IEEE: New York, Vol.5, pp.2374-2380 ō
Book Chapters 05/2005 S. Crone, S. Lessmann, R. Stahlbock (2005) Support Vector Machines versus Artificial Neural Networks - new potential in Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management?, in: D. Wang (ed.): Neural Network Applications in Information Technology and Web Engineering, Sarawak, Malaysia 03/2003 S. Crone (2003) Forecasting in Inventory Management using Artificial Neural Networks – a novel approach through Asymmetric Cost Func-tions, in: J. Geldermann, H. Rommelfanger (eds.): Einsatz von Fuzzy Sets, Neuronalen Netzen und Künstlicher Intelligenz in industrieller Produktion und Umweltforschung, 2003, VDI: Düsseldorf
Journal & Book Editorships forthcoming Co-Editor of a special issue on "Forecasting with Neural Networks” in the International Journal of Forecasting (IJF), Elsevier forthcoming Co-Editor of a special issue on "Forecasting with Computational Intelligence” in Neurocomputing, Elsevier forthcoming Co-Editor of a special issue on "Data Mining” in Annals of Information Systems (AoIS), Springer forthcoming Co-Editor of "Advances in Business Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks" in "Advances in Soft Computing", Invitation by the Series Editor and by Springer, forthcoming publication Proceedings Editorships 06/2007 Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, CRSEA Press 06/2006 Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, CRSEA Press 06/2005 Associate editor of the Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI’05, CSREA Press 06/2004 Associate editor of the Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, CSREA Press
Other Media 01/2006 S. Crone: Definition of “Data Mining” for the website “Principles of Forecasting”, S. Armstrong, 11/2005 S. Crone: Definition of “Neural Networks” for the website “Principles of Forecasting”, S. Armstrong,
Keynote Speeches 11/2006 Keynote speech on “Forecasting the impact of Events” at the 2006 Baltic Annual Logistics Conference on Demand Management, Pärnu, Estonia 06/2006 Keynote speech on “Forecasting Events” at the SAS F2006 conference on Forecasting, Cary, USA 06/2006 Conference track keynote speech on “A Roadmap to Supply Chain Forecasting of Marketing Promotions, Weather”, Demand Planning Track, APICS’06 conference of the Association for Operations Management, Orlando, Florida Invited Speeches 03/2007 Invited speech on “Forecasting Retail Sales with Calendar Events, Promotions and Weather – a Neural network Approach” at the 2007 GOR German OR Society Forecasting Workgroup Conference, Hamburg, Germany 04/2007 Invited speech on “Model Specification with Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression – a Meta Experiment” at the 2007 Oxford Forecasting Workshop, Oxford, UK 05/2006 Invited speech on “Forecasting Events – Problems and Remedies” at the 2006 IBF Institute of Business Forecasting conference on Supply Chain Forecasting, London, UK 12/2005 Invited lecture “Predicting Customer Online Shopping Adoption - an Evaluation of Data Mining and Market Modelling Approaches”, Chilean NSF “Millenio” Project, by Prof. Andrés Weintraub, Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Tutorials 11/2006 Tutorial on “Statistical Forecasting”, Institute of Business Forecasting, IBF’06 International Conference on Supply Chain Forecasting, Amsterdam, Netherlands 12/2005 Invited tutorial on “Neural Networks for Forecasting” at the 2006 IEEE summer school on Computational Intelligence, Santiago, Chile 08/2005 IBF’05 Tutorial on “Neural Networks for Business Forecasting”, International Institute of Business Forecasting, Chicago, USA 06/2005 IBF’05 Tutorial on “Neural Networks for Business Forecasting”, International Institute of Business Forecasting, Boston, USA 08/2004 IBF’04 Tutorial on “Neural Networks for Business Forecasting”, International Institute of Business Forecasting, Boston, USA
Conference Research Presentations 08/2007 IJCNN’07, IEEE & INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, USA 06/2007 ISF’07, International Symposium on Forecasting, Annual Conference of the International Institute of Forecasting, New York, USA 01/2007 ESTSP’07, European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, Helsinki, Finland 07/2006 IJCNN’06, IEEE & INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, part of the 2006 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, Vancouver, Canada 06/2006 DMIN'06, International Conference on Data Mining, Part of the World Congress of Applied Computing, Las Vegas, USA 06/2005 ISF’06, International Symposium on Forecasting, Annual Conference of the International Institute of Forecasting, Santander, Spain 02/2006 AIA’06, IASTED International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Part of the 24th International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria 08/2005 ACM KDD’05, International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Chicago, USA 07/2005 IJCNN’05, IEEE & INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Montreal, Canada 06/2005 ISF’05, International Symposium on Forecasting, Annual Conference of the International Institute of Forecasting, San Antonio, USA 06/2005 DMIN'05, International Conference on Data Mining, Part of the World Congress of Applied Computing, Las Vegas, USA 07/2004 IJCNN’04, IEEE & INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary 06/2004 ISF’04, International Symposium on Forecasting, Annual Conference of the International Institute of Forecasting, Sydney, Australia 09/2003 ORSSA’03, Operations Research Society of South Africa’s Annual Conference, Pretoria, South Africa 07/2003 IJCNN’03, IEEE & INNS Inter-national Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Portland, USA 06/2003 IC-AI’03, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Multiconference in Information Science, Las Vegas, USA 03/2003 GOR’03, German Operations Research Association - Fuzzy Logik, Neuronale Netze & Künstliche Intelligenz, Karlsruhe, Germany 11/2002 ICONIP’02, Asian Pacific Neural Network Society’s International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Singapore Professional Activities
Editorial Boards From 06/2006 Member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE) for Forecasting, production planning and control. Journal Reviewer Computers & Operations Research (C&OR), Elsevier Computational Management Science (CMS), Springer Decision Support Systems (DSS), Elsevier European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Elsevier IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), Research India Publications International Journal of Forecasting (IJF), Elsevier Neural Computing & Applications, Springer Soft Computing, Springer
Conference Publication Reviewer 2006 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN’07, jointly organised by ENNS and INNS 2006 IEEE 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, jointly organised by IEEE and INNS 2007 European Symposium on Time Series Prediction, ESTSP’07, Helsinki, Finland 2007 IEEE 1st Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM’07, Hawaii, USA 2006 Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies, Information and Telecommunications, SETIT’06, Hammamet, Tunisia 2006 APNNA 2006 International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP’06, Hong Kong, China 2006 IEEE 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’06, World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’06, jointly organised by IEEE and INNS 2006 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, InSciT2006, Merida, Spain 2006 Special session on "Forecasting in Logistics of Production and Inventory" held at the 2006 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, INCOM’06 2005 IEEE 2005 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’05, jointly organised by IEEE and INNS 2004 IEEE 2004 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’04, jointly organised by IEEE and INNS
Committee member 2006 Programme Committee of the 2006 1st IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM’07, Hawaii, USA 2006 Programme committee of the 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, WORLDCOMP’06 2006 Programme committee of the 2006 Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies, Information and Telecommunications, SETIT’06, Hammamet, Tunisia 2006 International advisory board of the 2006 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, InSciT2006, Merida, Spain 2005 Technical programme committee for the 2005 Second World Congress on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005 2005 Programme committee of the 2005 International Multi-Conference in Computer Science & Computer Engineering, IMCSCE’05 2005 Programme committee of the 2005 World Congress on Applied Computing, WCAC’05 2005 Scientific committee of the 2005 Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies, Information and Telecommunications, SETIT’05, Tunis, Tunisia 2004 Programme committee of the 2004 International Multi-Conference in Computer Science & Computer Engineering, IMCSCE’04
Chairman 2007 Workshop chair and organiser of the “NN3 Neural Network & Computational Intelligence Forecasting Competition” at the 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN’07, Orlando, USA 2007 Session chair and organiser of the “NN3 Neural Network & Computational Intelligence Forecasting Competition” at the 2007 International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF’07, New York, USA 2006 General conference co-chair of the 2007 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’07, Las Vegas, USA 2006 General conference chair of the 2006 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’06, Las Vegas, USA 2006 Chair and organiser of the conference Track on “Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting” at the 2006 International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF’06, Santander, Spain 2005 Invited chair and organiser of the conference track “Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting” consisting of 7 special sessions and 37 presentations, held at the 2005 International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF’05, San Antonio, USA - Chair of special sessions on “Neural Network Theory for Forecasting” and “Neural Network Applications in Forecasting” - Chair of special session and organiser of the “IIF Neural Network Forecasting Competition” at the ISF’05 Neural Networks Track 2005 Invited chair and organiser of the special session on “Computational Intelligence for Business Intelligence” at the 2005 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’05, Las Vegas, USA 2005 Invited chair of special sessions on “Classification and Prediction” and “Data Mining Algorithms” at the 2005 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’05, Las Vegas, USA 2005 Invited co-chair of conference track on “Neural Networks for Forecasting” at the 2005 Second World Congress on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005, Bangalore, India 2004 Invited Chair of the special session on “Artificial Neural Networks for Business Intelligence” at the 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IC-AI’04, Las Vegas, USA Other Positions 2007 Invited Competition Task force Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Data Mining, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2007 Invited Member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Mining, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, since 2006 Founding Member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Mining, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, since 2006 Webmaster ‘IEEE Technical Committee on Data Mining” Responsible for the content and layout of the web of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Committee on Data Mining since 2004 Webmaster on Neural Networks ‘Principles of Forecasting’
07/2006 WCCI’06, 2006 IEEE World Conress on Computational Intelligence, Best session presentation award, Vancouver, Canada
Research Projectssince 2005 Information Portal on Forecasting with Neural Networks since 2003 Software Simulator for forecasting with Neural Networks Grants & Funding
Research Grants 2005/2006 2005/06 SAS & IIF Forecasting Research Grant 2004/2005 Lancaster University, recipient of priming grants 2003 Joint Research Fellow Grant
Funded Research 2007 BEIERSDORF ag, Hamburg, Germany 2006 ITV plc, London, UK 2006 TESCO plc, Cheshunt, UK 02/2006-03/2006 TESCO plc, Cheshunt, UK 2006 BEIERSDORF ag, Hamburg, Germany 12/2005 CODELCO sa, Santiago, Chile 05/2006 TESCO plc, Cheshunt, UK 2005 TESCO plc, Cheshunt, UK 2005 TESCO plc, Cheshunt, UK 2005 Business Intelligence Lab, Hamburg, Germany
Funded Research (at Hamburg University, 02/2000-07/2004) 2002 - 2004 In-House Training on Business Forecasting with SAP APO-DP 2003 - 2004 Design of Forecasting & Inventory Decision Support System Tobaccoland, Germany - Design of forecasting support system for the world’s largest operator of vending machines, analysing various forecasting methods for implementation in handheld terminals. 2003 - 2004t Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management 04-05 / 2003 Data Mining for tactical Direct-Marketing Activities 04-06 / 2001 Process Analysis for Standard Software Selection 01-06 / 2000 Process Analysis in retail & Wholesale logistics Network
Teaching Philosophy
I am a firm believer in active learning, and I try to facilitate a lively and interactive classroom. To me, teaching is less about lecturing to students, but relating theories, concepts, empirical material and my enthusiasm in engaging current problems in Management Science to students. In each of my classes, I emphasize critical thinking and explore real-world applications of the concepts and issues in theory as in hands-on computer labs using state-of-the-art information technology. I try to engage students with examples from my personal consultancy experience in predictive modelling and information systems, as well as through case studies from ongoing corporate research and recent student projects. This is also reflected in quantitative course work and written assignments. Consequently, I do not see a rigid dividing line between research and teaching. Good teachers, who are actively researching at the cutting edge of recent scholarship, may enable students to see the dynamism of our work. Management Science is less a collection of facts, but rather a constantly evolving area of research that is alive with puzzles and new areas of inquiry. I welcome the opportunity to supervise independent student projects, and have encouraged students to participate in research through their coursework, e.g. the international data mining competition or the use of benchmark data from current forecasting competitions. While I have gained confidence in teaching, I have been inspired by evaluations of my teaching quality by students, peer observation in classes and initial courses in a teaching development programme, which I hope to continue to further my knowledge of teaching skills and styles.
LecturesLancaster University Postgraduate Teaching Contact No. of Spring 2007 Forecasting 16 h 25 st. Spring 2007 Multivariate Statistics for Data Mining 10 h 20 st. Fall 2006 Demand Planning & Revenue Management 10 h 40 st. Fall 2006 Introduction to OR & its Context 10 h 20 st. Spring 2006 Forecasting 16 h 40 st. Spring 2006 Multivariate Statistics for Data Mining 10 h 25 st. Fall 2005 Introduction to OR & its Context 10 h 20 st. Spring 2005 Multivariate Statistics for Data Mining 10 h 25 st. Spring 2005 Forecasting 16 h 40 st. Fall 2004 Introduction to OR and its Context 10 h 20 st.
Lancaster University Undergraduate Teaching Fall 2006 Introduct. to Business Information Systems 2 h 60 st. Fall 2005 Introduct. to Business Information Systems 2 h 60 st. Fall 2004 Intro. to Business Information Systems 2 h 125 st. Fall 2004 Statistical Modelling for Decision Making 10 h 30 st.
Hamburg University Postgraduate Teaching Winter 2003 Seminar in Innovation-Management, Prof. Voß Summer 2003 Information-Management, Prof. Voß Winter 2002 Seminar in Computer Aided Planning Systems, Prof. Preßmar Summer 2002 Computer Aided Planning Systems, Prof. Preßmar Winter 2001 Seminar in Design & Development of Business Information Systems, Prof. Preßmar, Teaching support & admin. for 90 students, supervising 45 assignments (6000 words), presentations and exams Summer 2001 Design & Development of Business Information Systems, Prof. Preßmar, Teaching Support & administration for 150 students Summer 2001 MBA Final Exams Hamburg University Undergraduate Teaching 2000 - 2001 Introduction to Information Systems using MS Office - Winter 1999 2 courses Intro to Information Systems, 80 students - Summer 2000 3 courses Intro to Information Systems, 120 students - Winter 2000 2 courses Intro to Information Systems, 80 students - Summer 2001 2 courses Intro to Information Systems, 80 students - Winter 2001 2 courses Intro to Information Systems, 80 students
Other teaching 1995 - 1999 Ski-instructor, Italy (DSV certified Beginners to Advanced Levels) for German tour operator, seasonal part-time
Postgraduate Research Supervision
Summer 2007 MSc in Operational Research, Student Project & Thesis supervision, Lancaster University - Customer Relationship Management for Data Mining, Summer 2006 MSc in Operational Research, Student Project & Thesis supervision, Lancaster University - Evaluating Forecasting Support Systems, Convatech, BMS, Chester, UK Summer 2005 MSc in Operational Research, Student Project & Thesis supervision, Lancaster University -Event based forecasting for distribution centre planning, Tesco, Cheshunt, UK 01/2000 - 6/2001 9 MBA Master thesis supervision, University of Hamburg
Administration 2005-present Redesign of webpages for Management Science department 2004-present External company liason support (with John Ranyard) 2005 Redesign of webpages for Research Centre on Forecasting 2005 Steering committee for SAP University Alliance Network 2001-2004 General administrative at Hamburg University · Liaison & coordination with university administration in the design & implementation of the first credit-point-system and syllabus for graduate & postgraduate studies · Liaison with external recruiting & consultancy companies · Fundraising & search of sponsorship-partners for Institute
Professional Non-Academic Work (selection) 2002 - present Managing Director & IT-Consultant, B I3S lab, Hamburg
1993 - 2001 Managing Director & Consultant, RSG Software, Hamburg Successfully lead consulting-company and team of 2 full time plus part time employees in IT-systems analysis, design & implementation, in-house training, programming etc. for market leading tobacco wholesalers & vendors in Europe. International projects: (selection) - Design of Forecasting System for Vending Machines, 02-10 /1999 - Analysis of Forecasting & Supply Chain Processes, 11-12 / 1999 1995-1996 External Consultant: Konsys Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Hamburg, Germany: Participated in various projects in Process Analysis, Redesign of Supply Chains & Software Selection for Retailers in Northern Germany, significantly raising efficiency.
Forecasting & Data Mining Skills? Software Knowledge ą Forecasting: Forecast Pro, Autobox, Freefore etc. ą Neural Networks: NeuralWorks Prof. II+, SNNS, JNNS etc. ą Data Mining: SPSS Clementine, SAS Data Miner, WEKA, ą ERP-Systems: SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer, ą Process Tools: ARIS Modeller, certified (IDS Scheer AG) ą General: MS Office, Access, SPSS 13.0 ? Business Forecasting Knowledge ą Methods: Neural Networks, Support Vector Regression, naļve, averages, single / linear / seasonal / adaptive / intermittent exponential smoothing, ARIMA, intervention modelling, decomposition, various forms of regression etc. ą Processes: data pre-processing, outlier detection, automation of the forecasting process, model selection, parameterisation, judgmental correction, organisational implementation etc. ? Information Systems Skills ą Analysis, simulation, design & re-engineering of processes ą Standard software selection & integration ą In dept knowledge and experience to plan and operate PC-based Information Systems in hardware, software and networks ą In-depth experience in various standard software applications ą Programming knowledge: Visual Basic, Pascal, Foxbase ? Language Skills ą German: native speaker ą English: fluent, written and spoken ą French: basic knowledge
Lancaster, 31 January 2006
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