Please find a short non-academic biography tailored to forecasting practitioners below. Please request a full CV should you be interested. Short Bio on Forecasting
Sven received his Dipl.-Kfm. (MBA and BBA equivalent) and PhD in forecasting with neural networks from Hamburg University, Germany, working as a research assistant for Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Dieter Preßmar and for Prof. Dr. Stefan Voß at the Institute of Information Systems, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. During his PhD studies he was also a visiting research fellow at Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, and at George Mason University, USA. His PhD was awarded with summa cum laude and was awarded the biannual "Professor Herbert Jacob award" of the University of Hamburg for the best PhD thesis in Management, and the 2008 national award for best annual PhD thesis of the German Society of Operations Research. I am also an research and teaching fellow in Business Managment at Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI), at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, where I pursue my german Habilitation und the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Küsters (Statistics), Prof. Dr. Johannes Schneider (Economics), Prof. Dr. Klaus Wilde (Information Systems, and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kuhn (Operations Management). Furthermore, I serve as a research and teaching fellow at the University of Oviedo, Spain, at the Department of Computer Science & the European Research Centre for Soft Computing where I teach on the joint Masters programmein Soft Computing. Sven's research focuses on forecasting and data mining applications, frequently using methods from artificial intelligence. He has authored over 30 articles in international journals and conference proceedings and has given over 50 international presentations to academics and practitioners in the field. He frequently chairs conference tracks and sessions on forecasting, including the neural network forecasting track at the 2005 & 2006 at the International Symposium on Forecasting of the IIF - International Institute of Forecasters and he was the general chair of the 2006 International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, USA. He frequently delivers key note speeches at practitioner conferences, including the F2010 SAS Forecasting conference in Cary, USA, the A2010 SAS Analytics conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, the 2006 APICS Association for Operations Management international conference in Orlando, Florida, the F2006 SAS Forecasting conference in Cary, USA, and various national practitioner conferences by the IBF, GOR and IEEE. In addition to his research agenda, Sven has a professional background in IT and management consultancy, where he has supervised various projects in forecasting and demand planning for corporate clients. Some of his recent projects at the Lancaster Centre for Forecasting include event and weather based forecasting with statistical methods for retailer TESCO UK, copper price forecasting with artificial intelligence for producer CODELCO Chile, forecasting advertisement ratings for TV company ITV UK, and implementing international demand planning methods, processes and systems in SAP APO-DP with FMCG producer Beiersdorf AG. Sven frequently provides tutorials for leading associations, e.g. since 2004 for the Institute of Business Forecaster (IBF) in the USA, for the 2005 IEEE summer school in Chile. He regularly provides numerous corporate training courses on forecasting in the UK, Europe, USA and South America. Selected 2005/2006 attendees of his courses include TESCO, Beiersdorf, Barclays, Nestlé, Scottish Power, Capita-Dixons, and the UK Department of Work and Pensions. Additional information may be found on the websites and Contact details: Dr. Sven F. Crone Tel +44.1524.5-92991 e-mail s.crone (o)
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